GnuGOGNUGoS60 is a port of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU Go application to Nokia’s Series 60 (S60) platform based on the Symbian Operating System (SymbianOS). This program is running good, the only complain is that there is no progress is displayed while the computer is ‘thinking’, so it looks like it hangs each time we click on the grid.

You can download this application from


S60SpotOn will keep your backlight on. This is one of the utilites that you thought you’ll never need, but when you need to find something in the dark, then this application will be quite useful. It reminds me of the Torch application for the previous symbian version. To make it more useful, for certain 3rd edition phones that has a flash camera, you can keep your flash light on.

If you decide not to install this kind of applications, you can still survive by holding a key to keep the backlight on. You can also set SymbianBible, and perhaps other bible/book readers to keep the backlight on.

You can download this application from :


Update 20 Nov 2007: Certificate has been updated, now the “Certificate Expired” will not appear for the next 10 years.

screenshot0060.png IfInfo is a small and simple program I wrote today to view current network interface Information. With this program, I can see the IP address assigned to my Nokia E61, DNS address, and so on.

So why does anyone would like to know this information? With the information, I can verify if the DHCP server on my WiFi router has given my phone a valid IP address. In general, I can check if there is something wrong with my connection, or just to see whether a public access point gives me a public IP or private IP (i.e behind NAT).

I have been waiting for kind of freeware utility to become available (like IpView on my Nokia 7610), but since now one has written yet, I decided to do a quick coding. I wrote this just a few hours ago and haven’t tested much, so you may find bugs. I was going to implement ping functionality, but it turned out that pinging requires special capability, so I’ll just have to skip that for now.

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Programming Symbian phones using C++ is not easy, and many have complained about it. To create a small program is very difficult in C++, that is why some prefer to do Java (MIDP) programming, which is easier. Some people thinks that Java is still to complicated and time consuming to write simple programs, that is why some programming languages was ported to Symbian, and Python is one of them.
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ScummVM is a virtual machine which was made to allow one to play LucasArts adventure games that use the SCUMM system on multiple platforms (and Symbian is one of those platforms). With this you can play your old DOS games from LucasArt. If you don’t have one, you can download some games from

This applications is almost not usable on E61 due to its orientation (other features works fine, even the sound is fine).

You can download this application from:

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