Update Latest version (supports S60 3rd edition until the latest Symbian Belle) is available in Ovi Store, it has been renamed to SMS To File (1 USD).
Update: 28 June 2010. Certificate have been updated. Now MsgExport can export in UTC and Local Time. SMSLog directory will be created if it doesn’t exist yet. MsgExport can export user folders. Application is compatible with s60 5th edition (just hit continue when you get the warnings about app is not compatible when installing).
Nokia PC Suite can backup/archive your SMS messages to PC, but it’s a Windows only application. I am using Linux, and my wife is using Mac OS X, so we need an application to archive our SMS. There are some commercial applications (such as SMS Diary or MessageStorer), but I don’t want to buy that kind of application. As a developer, I have many Symbian Series (Series 60 2nd edition, Series 60 3rd edition, Series 80, UIQ 2, and UIQ 3 device) buying $10 application for each of my device will cost me $50.
I also found a freeware called SMSExport (which is produced by http://m-internet.com) from some Russian site. The software is no longer listed in the official website mentioned in the about page of the application, so I don’t know the latest status (whether it is still free, and will it be supported in the future). SMSExport can only export SMS to many individual text files.
So after thinking about it, I decided to write my own program to export my SMS and release it as a freeware. I called this application MsgExport. For now this application can only export SMS (not yet MMS). It can export to HTML (UTF-8 Encoding, so it should support any characters), and Text. When exporting, it will create 2 files, one is ordered by contact name, and the other is ordered by date. If you have memory card in your phone, it will export to E:\SMSLOG, and if not, it will create the file in C:\DATA\SMSLOG\. The filename contains current date and time. If you cancel the application, it will stop at the point when you press cancel (the messages that are already exported will not be deleted).
In the future, I am planning to port this application to all of my my Symbian phones.
You can download MsgExport here.
Your comment and suggestions are welcome.
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75 Responses to “MsgExport”
[…] MsgExport 1.0 Homepage – S60 3rd Edition Freeware Blog Diesen Artikel abonnieren: Vollständiges Feed | Summary Feed | Kommentar Feed […]
Hello, congratulations for your blog, it’s fantastic!
And your software for sms export!
I have a question… I have been looking for an aplication to recover a backup of the sms that we have created previously. Does it exists? If not, it would be great for me a method to pass sms from one handy to other.
Thank you very much for your answer!!!
[…] El programa es gratuito pero su autor acepta donativos. Yohanes tiene previsto publicar esta utilidad para otros moviles Symbian, como los 2ª edición. o los UIQ. Se puede descargar la aplicación, en esta página. […]
[…] MsgExport is free application can only export SMS (not yet MMS). It can export to HTML (UTF-8 Encoding, so it should support any characters), and Text. When exporting, it will create 2 files, one is ordered by contact name, and the other is ordered by date. If you have memory card in your phone, it will export to E:SMSLOG, and if not, it will create the file in C:DATASMSLOG. The filename contains current date and time. If you cancel the application, it will stop at the point when you press cancel (the messages that are already exported will not be deleted). […]
[…] MsgExport este o aplicatie free care permite exportul SMS-urilor (nu inca si MMS). Le poate exporta in format HTML (UTF-8 Encoding, astfel incat suporta orice caracter), si format Text. In momentul exportului, aplicatia creaza 2 fisiere, unul in care mesajele sunt ordonate dupa expeditor si cel de al doilea, in care sunt ordonate dupa data. Daca aveti card de memorie, fisierele se vor exporta in E:SMSLOG, iar daca nu aveti card, aplicatia va crea un folder in C:DATASMSLOG. Aplicatia merge numai pe telefoanele cu Symbian S60 3rd edition […]
Hey, this app is absolutely cool. Only one thing: While it’s exporting my SMS (something like 2500+), the screen saver came out and it stopped exporting. >
I have been looking for this since long now.. found it on your site.. thanks for making it.. havnt used it yet but will for sure.. there arnt applications for the 3rd version yet.. are they? if yes then send me links at my address.
will use it and report back…
Good job!
I’m using E90 and try to install MsgExport but its icon doesn’t show up
in Installations folder. Does it work with E90 because nothing happen after i install it…
Thank you.
[…] MsgExport is free application can only export SMS (not yet MMS). It can export to HTML (UTF-8 Encoding, so it should support any characters), and Text. When exporting, it will create 2 files, one is ordered by contact name, and the other is ordered by date. If you have memory card in your phone, it will export to E:SMSLOG, and if not, it will create the file in C:DATASMSLOG. The filename contains current date and time. If you cancel the application, it will stop at the point when you press cancel (the messages that are already exported will not be deleted). […]
its an very very nice tool to help us with the nokia e90
1 little question, can i also the sms from my personal folder exporting?
gz from germany and thanks
Great software.
I stumbled upon it and I find it extremely easy to use.
I’m using it with my nokia E90, after downloading the software and installing it the icon was visible in Menu –>Installations.
It works with my Nokia E90.
I’d advise you start over again after un-installing the previous MsgExport .
Really exciting software and it’s free!!!!
Please keep up the good job.
Could you pint me to other software you’ve developed.
This application appears to be sooo close to exactly what I need. The only issue is that the time stamps appear to be 7 hours late. For example, if I have a message with a stamp of 11:25am, in the export, it appears as 6:25pm. This is consistent throughout the export. I am in the Pacific time zone, which puts the time zone that it’s synchronizing to one hour short of GMT, if that helps. Thanks for your efforts!
Thank you for the useful application.
Just wondering whether there are any plans to support exporting messages from personal folders (“My folders”)?
Thanks again.
Thanks for the useful app.
Just wondering you’re planning to support exporting messages from personal folder (“My folders”)?
Thanks again.
Great idea!
I have sugestion:
Can you make it in csv format so i can import it in excel and archive it. You can also put option for archive conversation between choosen person and owner. I use your app for that. Now I solve it with access and SQL queries but not many people know how to do it.
Damir Orsolic
[…] MsgExport is free application can only export SMS (not yet MMS). It can export to HTML (UTF-8 Encoding, so it should support any characters), and Text. When exporting, it will create 2 files, one is ordered by contact name, and the other is ordered by date. If you have memory card in your phone, it will export to E:SMSLOG, and if not, it will create the file in C:DATASMSLOG. The filename contains current date and time. If you cancel the application, it will stop at the point when you press cancel (the messages that are already exported will not be deleted). […]
[…] MsgExport is free application can only export SMS (not yet MMS). It can export to HTML (UTF-8 Encoding, so it should support any characters), and Text. When exporting, it will create 2 files, one is ordered by contact name, and the other is ordered by date. If you have memory card in your phone, it will export to E:SMSLOG, and if not, it will create the file in C:DATASMSLOG. The filename contains current date and time. If you cancel the application, it will stop at the point when you press cancel (the messages that are already exported will not be deleted). […]
Great application.
Like Xander Harris I have only one question, the same question: are you planning to support exporting messages from personal folders created in â€My foldersâ€?
Hi Xander and Jean,
Yes, I am planning to add the support to export folders created in “My Folders” in the next version.
M glad to know that.. looking forward to more soon.
great app as for regexport.
I wolud like to run one of them (or both) everytime i switch the mobile on.I took a look at powerboot,but i wanted them to run silently.
EG run,do the task,close.
Is there any way or any switch to do that?
If has to be programmed,i would be pleased to donate something.
I need such an app,but it does not exist,as far as i know.
THank you.
would be so good to have a export which includes sms from all individually, manually created user-defined-folders. my nokia has the feature to create own folders and one can move messages there, but there is no chance to control these folders or contents with a pc or software…
would help a lot an make your tool even more leading edge:-)
thanks in advance!
the application is so cool!!! thanks
but just wonder if there is any way to export the sms in sent box??
I’m a neophite
If I export the sms in the log file, my sms will be deleted from the phone?
Or is it just an extra copy?
I’m sorry but I’m almost maniacal with my sms, I can’t loose them
To Fabiana,
This application only makes a copy of your message. You original message will not be deleted.
To May,
The sms in the sent inbox is exported automatically.
Thank you so much! =)
Hey! your program is wonderful but i was puzzled as to why after exporting by date, the time for half my messages are wrong. it shows some wierd time like 5am i when i received that message in the afternoon. please help me on this
Excellent. Just what I’ve been looking for. Thank you.
on 12 May 2008 at 8:36 am yohanes wrote
> Hi Xander and Jean,
> Yes, I am planning to add the support to export
> folders created in “My Folders†in the next version.
Is the next version out? (I’ve the v1.0)
If not, is it possible to have a list of all versions to know if I have the latest one?
many thanxs!!
i was looking a long time for such a useful thing. Because instead of writing diary i collect my sms. now i was trying to install the programm on my nokia E61. This was not possible. It was pop up :
Certificate-Mistake – ask the Certificate owner. What can i do?
Thanks, it’s really helpfull.
It’s a very helpfull program, i’ve found only one problem : some really old sms messages exported with a date: “2007. May 21. 09:30:00″ but i’m absolutly sure, that I didn’t get 20 sms at that date
And my phone report as “2005 …”
Can you fix it ?
[…] by date. If you have memory card in your phone, it will export to drive E:SMSLOG, and if not, MsgExport will create the file in drive C:DATASMSLOG. The file name contains current date and time. If […]
it is a great product. works well on my e51. i tried to install it on an e71, but it says that the certificate expired. there wan no problem to install logexport on the e71. any idea?
ok, i could manage it. just changed back by 1 year the phone clock solved the problem.
[…] Site: http://tinyhack.com/freewarelist/s603rd/2008/02/04/msgexport […]
Hi yohanes, I want to say your MsgExport is absolutely a fantacty tool comparing with other stupid similiar tools.
But i found one problem, why the data and time of the SMS after export is all not the same as the phone’s.
for example , the SMS in the export file: 2008/1/11 1:00:56 pm. Actually the time is 21:02 pm on my phone.
Do you encounter the same problem? How can I solve it, thanks!
I think it has something to do with your phone’s TimeZone setting. Change it and re-export.
yohanes, thanks,
forget to tell you, I am in China. And I have checked that the timezong setting is right, and selected China.
Try changing to different timezone, so that the output is correct, then return back to your correct timezone.
I still don’t know why it happens on some phone.
Hi. I tried to install the MSGExport tool on my Nokia 5500 phone. but i got the message that the signed sis file has been expired. so it seems that the signing has outdated. greetings, simon
I just update it now, you can redownload the file.
@yohanes thank you. will try it out this evening.
Hm. I have the feeling that i have to sign the msgexport myself. because i got always the error that the signed version is not valid.
Have you enabled unsigned software installation?
@yohanes yes i did. it works with other apps too.
Hi its a good Application . Can u post the source code for newbies like me. We want to study and analysis the code . Please…..
[…] MsgExport – nieco bardziej rozbudowana aplikacja. Program zapisuje SMS-y, nie oferuje natomiast wsparcia dla wiadomoÅ›ci multimedialnych. Użytkownik może zachować dane w plikach tekstowych lub HTML. Kodowanie UTF-8 pozwala na poprawne zapisanie znaków diakrytycznych. […]
on 12 May 2008 at 8:36 am yohanes wrote
> Hi Xander and Jean,
> Yes, I am planning to add the support to export
> folders created in “My Folders†in the next version.
Is the next version out? (I’ve the v1.0)
If not, is it will be great to have a list of all availables versions (or, simply, explicitly specify the last version number) to know if I have the latest one?
Great job,
is there a way to export messages from a folder?because i copied to my computer and can’t put in to the phone’s memory.when i tried to export from my phone’s mass memory it stops working :/ so i need this thing
i have copied like 30 folders (equals 150000 msgs :/ ) please leave me a reply (sorry 4 my eng)
csv *needs* indicator whether it was outgoing or incoming sms. folder (inbox or sent) is not enough. data is available, as txt and html exports show it (txt in From/To, html in messagereceived/messagesent class)
Hello Yohanes,
msgexport does not work on my nokia 5630 express music – it just hangs while the progression bar pretends to export, but even after one hour nothing is exported. Your logexport program however works fine. Are you planning to build a new version?
Thanks for your efforts
I am planning to release a version for S60v5
thanks, looking forward to it!
Hi, please re-sign your .sis file…
I have “certificate expired” error on my n78 …
There’s a problem if the phone’s clock is set to use 24 hour time. The times in the export will still be in 12 hour format, but missing the AM/PM. This is easily fixed by changing it to 12 hour format, but I figured it was worth mentioning here. This is necessary, for example, to use with Piotr Kucharski’s MsgExport2SMSBackupRestore python script.
any S60v5 out yet?
would be glad to donate…
any way that exporting folders located in “my folders” as well would work?
Just as a help:
set your phone clock to a date in the past (ex. 1 year before), install the .sisx file and re-set your phone clock to the current date. then the app is working …
hi, i have try to instal, but it say that “certificate error”, i have try to install it on nokia C5 with rollback time & date to feb-2008, but also get the same error, any advise will be help… thank you ..
Hi Yohanes,
Many thanks to you for creating this great application, which I used frequently in the past few months to backup my messages before deletion. Recently however, It is taking over 2 hours to make a single backup of my SMS database. I cannot pinpoint the reason but I have all in all about 1800 messages in total. I tried SMSExporter as well, which is doing the backup in less than 5 minutes. I have a Samsung SGH-i500w running S60 V3. This full backup used to take take less than 10 minutes in the past. Would you have any suggestions on tackling this issue?
Many thanks!
Your program is outstanding. Until now it was the only one to meet my needs. But now I noticed a problem. The time of messages in the log goes back to two hours before. For example, if a message has arrived at 12:15:05 he really makes me look like if it had arrived at 10:15:05. The settings on the time are all correct. And ‘result to you or the same defect may depend on something in my nokia n73?
I write from italy. It may be that the problem is with the time zone as it is set to rome?
@angaelus i have fixed the time issue
@khiang @Sindib I don’t know what can be the cause of it. I have used all the optimal algorithms for creating the backup. One posibility is that the SD card is too fragmented. May be you can backup your SD card to your computer, format it, then try again?
@Informatico91 Please try the new version
@fling please try the new version. It works in s60v5. You will get warning about “application may not be compatible”, just continue.
For everyone else: I have not yet fix the issue about the “My Folders”
New update: support for user folders (My Folders).
[…] rozwiÄ…zanie. Na blogu Damienix’a doszukaÅ‚em siÄ™ informacji o istnieniu programu o nazwie MsgExport. Program sam w sobie nie jest skomlikowany, a dziÄ™ki niemu można wyeksportować wszystkie […]
Hi Yohanes,
Thank you so much for your efforts! The new version works like a charm! I didn’t even have to reformat the SD card and the whole backup now only takes a few minutes! Great work!
You sir, are my personal hero! I’ve been looking for an app like this for ages and this one seems to do exactly what I want!
I’ll definitely be sending some $ your way.
There, settled. It’s not much (all I can miss at the moment) but I hope you at least can buy a decent beer of it!
Thank you Eelko Berkenpies
Hello everyone! Some time ago I signaled a bug in the program. Now, after a long time that do not use it, I noticed another bug. I have a nokia n73. Briefly, if a conversation with a contact begins with a message ‘sent’, the program will export messages from the first message received. Example: I write “Hello” and the contact says, “Hello.” In this case, the program begins to export messages from “Hello” received from the contact without exporting the “Hello” that I sent. Same thing happens with this example: I write “Hello.” Without having received answer yet, I’ll write another thing, “How are you?”. Then the contact replies, “Hello, I’m fine ..”. In this case the program does not export either “Hello” and neither “How are you?”. In both examples, beginning with the first message received, those submitted are normally exported. The situation, however, it happens again the same day, if I first send a message. I do not know but after all that. If you need more detail, I am at your disposal!
News on the problem I have encountered? please answer me =)
Hello everyone. I’m still, waiting for something new .. could, gently, the creator of the application or the person who has released the latest version of the application, contact me by e-mail or posting a comment here. I would like to give more precise details on what was said in my comment a month ago about the problem encountered in the application. I want this because I believe very much in this application and in its great usefulness and simplicity. And with this problem, it loses a little … I await a reply! Thanks ..
Hello everyone .. I have an update! Re-explain the problem. If a conversation with a contact begin with a message sent, the message is saved in the html file in another part, along with other messages of the same type (that is sent first), sent to the same contact. Answer me please. Let me know if you can do something to solve this problem!
Wow, thanks a lot for the really useful tool!
It worked like a charm.
Fast, easy and simple.
I have donated 1$ in order to support. Hopefully 100.000 more people will do the same