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My name is Yohanes Nugroho, I am a programmer. On my spare time, I am an open source activist, and sometime I also create programs for Symbian platform. Some of the programs that I have written are SymbianBible and MailPass, others are proprietary applications for 3rd party which I can not mention.
This blog contains my review about Free or open source Symbian OS Series 60 3rd Edition programs that I use or try. Except otherwise noted, I have installed and tried all of the software listed here so I don’t just copy paste the posts from some web page. I am also planning to port and write new open source softwares, and announce it here.
Hopefuly this list is useful for you. Email me, or leave me a comment if you have a suggestion for an application. I will try to post at least once a day, and I wont post too many applications at once, because I don’t just dump the content of other sites that exists before this blog.
Currently, I will only post native Symbian applications. May be if I have run out of native applications to post, I will also write about Java applications (MIDP/MIDLet) that works nicely in S60 3rd edition phones.
21 Responses to “About”
there´s nothing really new about your blog that hasn´t already been listed and tested on or any of the Blogs in the “S60 3rd Edition Software”-Section of our Blogroll, but anyway – I wish you a good start and hope that you keep up the whole thingie!
Greetings, phanthomas
Hi phanthomas,
Two reasons why some people might choose this site (in complement with the others, or over the the others):
First, this blog only lists applications for Symbian Series 60, it does not list any general tips, news, or anything else. Most blogs/sites mix applications list with other topics.
Second, compared to this site is in English
And Third, this site also offers original content such as S60Dict for 3rd edition.
Really – don´t get me wrong or take my posting as a rant..
I just wanted to point out that it´s not really a _new_ concept – just a variation. Which doesn´t make it bad at all! We all have different approaches that the one or other users prefers..
I also didn´t want to say “your content is all stolen”! – not at all! So, please, don´t get me wrong again..
You´re in fact correct saying that our blog ain´t english (even if there´s some automatic google-translation that should do the job normally, even if it´s no “perfect” translation at all.. I´m sure most of the users will get the point. I´ve just been too lazy to run another english site 😉 )
You´re also absolutely right in pointing out that many blogs mingle reviews with how-to´s – but that´s just a logical development if you receive dozens of mails per day and take your “job” serious, i think. I see it as a complimentary part of the site and not a contrast to the original concept.
Besides – I really appreciate your support for OS Software and writing some on your own!
So, really – I wish you all the best for the upcoming time, may your blog live long and prosperous 😉
Hi Panthomas,
Thanks for your comment again. On my reply, I was actually saying that you are right, that there are countless other sites that tries to do what I am trying to do, that is why I lists the reasons on why someone might choose this site even tough there are so many other to choose out there.
And being written in English is a plus, and also a minus point, since some readers prefer to read in their native languages.
And by ‘original content’, what I meant to say was a content that was not available at any other place at the time of the writing (like the programs that I wrote). May be I should have said, ‘new’ or ‘fresh’ content.
thx for your work
i have a Q
how can i use open source for making my language dictionary also??
i need your help
can you give me a english_indonesian dictionary for symbian60
Hi Yohanes,
My name is Paolo and i’m from Italy. Since i discovered you website, i appreciated so much your work.
As i am a network engineer, i really enjoyed that simple but so useful app called “Ifinfo”.
Thats what i really missed…!!
T H A N K S !!!!!!
what about an article about emTube??? I think it’s one of the best and useful freeware applications for S60 3rd edition.
Hi Yohanes,
just a little remark on your very nice symbian application MsgExportContainer for Symbian S60 3rd Edition. In my eyes it has a little bug:
On October 31st I migrated from a Nokia E70 to an E90 and I did a backup and later restore of my contacts, calendar, sms and so on. Now your application shows as origination date of all SMS which have been written in my E70-times October the 31st. After that date, so since then I have correct dates. In the Nokia SMS-Application the SMS originator dates are correct though. Could it be that your application uses the wrong date field?
Could you please look into that matter? I would appreciate it. Maybe provide an option to choose the date field the application uses.
Regards and thanks for the application,
Hi. Nice site. ;D
do you know any s60 3rd edition that alow to ping an internet host?
I need to verify if the servers I manage are on-line.
any help will be nice.
Unfortunately building a “ping” program requires Symbian signing (requires NetworkControl capability), and currently I don’t know any freeware application that can do network ping for Series 60 3rd edition.
May be I should try to write one and have it Symbian signed.
Hmmm I’ve been trying to find a decent NTP client for my N95 but failed to do so. Any chances of you, when you have time, writting one?
And it is enough to have it Open Signing capable thus anyone can sign it for their own phone.
hi Yo!
Saya dari lokal Indo aja, surabaya, i own a software company, itu sekilas perkenalan saya.
saya cuman mo komentar dikit mengenai calcium calculator, link anda kelihatannya salah, mungkin yang benar bukan but
ok deh gitu aja, have fun!

Nice site. Ur one of Indo s60 programmers pride, besides Antony Pranata..
Im a super mod of the biggest symbian forum.. a warez site tbh. LoL
Keep up ur good work bro.. make us proud.. GBU.
PS : kapan mau release s60 bible v1.00? 😉
hey yohannes,
can i contact you because of the programms msgexport and logexport ?
you see my email adress ? right ?
Can we have a site link exchange.
I have linked your site to my blog!
How about making an article about our new free Symbian version of Buddyway ?
Buddyway is a free cell phone tracking service that lets you share your trips with your friends on a map with statistics, photos. You can also use our application to track your phone in real time.
Buddyway Team.
Hi Jo…
May you help me to show me the software for Nokia E 90 contain Bible in Toba Language? or do you have this one?
I expected you will show it for me.
Thank you God Bless you
Hi, I’m reading your blog and I find it very interesting.
I hope you can continue writing on it sometimes.
Thank you
Bye from Italy
I just bought a Nokia 5800 XM. I was disappointed to see that none of the bible programs worked on it. But after a few days of searching I found your s60bible port to v5. The v3 version worked but I couldn’t scroll!
Anyhow, the v5 works so thank you very much! It’s great! I actually couldn’t even find a bible program to purchase that should work on the 5800XM.
Hi. I tried to install the MsgExport software for Symbian v3
but it says that certificate error or something.
Can you tell me how to install it?