30 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi,
    I have a FT3563-BT .
    I want to using debian on NAS like you.
    Can you make a frimware “xxxx.bin” to upgrade.

    Best Regards.

  2. Hi,

    Your works with Agestar’s NAS is really interesting. I’ve just purchase one today and I’m thinking about trying to install Linux to it (would love to see it runs Gentoo).

    I’m a programmer too, but I don’t have much experience programing open source stuff (especially Linux).

    How’s the whether in Chaing Mai, it’s quite hot with rain in Bangkok. I’m looking for a chance to visit Chaing Mai some time :).

  3. Hi, I’m Silvina. I’ve used msgexport from march to july without a problem, you give me the solution for a big problem : to store my sms in a unique file.
    But I had a problem, I’ve updated my n95’s firmware to the last version, and I tryied to install the application once again and it gives me a certificate error.
    What can I do?
    Greetings, and thanks once again for the application.

  4. @Wutipong: the weather is fine here. Many rains. I hope you have a good luck with your install.

    @Silvina: try redownloading the latest version.

  5. Hi zz

    What do you mean by better? I can’t find any review for it (or even the official product page for it), and from the specification, I think it has the same feature as Agestar.

  6. I think it too.. , I cannot found any more information too..

    I’m using NSLU2 , It very slow to run debian-arm,I think it not much ram to run , same Agestar ( ram 32 / flash 8)

  7. Hello, I was just thinking with your agestar hacking, Which is really awesome job btw, is there a possibility to attach another drive or printer in agestar with the regular firmware, but when running debian, can it be used as a normal usb-port? can you attach any usb-device to it (of course which is supported by debian and the kernel) I had this idea, what if I would put a usb soundcard to it, I could have really small remote mp3-player in my livingroom, which could be controlled by any computer, that would be really nice, but as well if it would support other stuff as well, like bluetooth and such, it would make have debian in agestar much more usefull.

    Greetings from Finland

  8. Hello, I was just thinking with your agestar hacking, Which is really awesome job btw, is there a possibility to attach another drive or printer in agestar with the regular firmware, but when running debian, can it be used as a normal usb-port?

    With the debian firmware, you can still use agestar as normal USB
    port (but you should shut it down using the shutdown command to make
    sure that all cache have been written to disk).

    can you attach any usb-device to it (of course which is supported by debian and the kernel) I had this idea, what if I would put a usb soundcard to it, I could have really small remote mp3-player in my livingroom, which could be controlled by any computer, that would be really nice, but as well if it would support other stuff as well, like bluetooth and such, it would make have debian in agestar much more usefull.

    Greetings from Finland

    Theoretically you should be able to attach any USB device to agestar, I only tried using USB to network adapter when developing the network driver and several USB disk, and everthyng works fine

    Regarding your idea about audio, because NSLU2 is a little bit more
    powerful (little bit faster, same memory) compared to Agestar, I look
    around to see if someone else has done it before. From the information
    in here:


    I tried madplay, and because i don’t have a USB audio device, i tried
    writing to device NULL, and it took 1 minute 5 seconds to decode a
    music file of 4 minutes 11 seconds. I also tried writing the decoded
    mp3 to file and it took 1 minute 36 seconds to decode. The decoding
    time is much faster than real time, so it seems the CPU in the Agestar
    is powerful enough to play MP3.

    (note: i also tried mplayer, and as he said it doesn’t work)

  9. Hi Bruce thanks for the information,

    Yes, i found the source for WAP4400N when i started hacking Agestar, but there was some part missing from the Agestar kernel. Their kernel is based on Linux 2.4, and I have managed to port it to kernel 2.6.

  10. Sup! I’ve been trying to use agestar with cf to ide adapters and today with sd to ide adapter and with no luck, I wonder do you know if this is something related to the device itself, or maybe with kernel or something? It doesn’t boot up, correctly, I can’t get the ssh to work. When I plug the real harddrive in, it works like a charm.

  11. Hi,

    I’m trying to get my hand on “WELLAND ME-747AN-S”, a HDD NAS Enclosure with some wonderful spec (266MHz, 128MB RAM, 128M NAND Flash). I had no luck searching for a reseller that can ship to where I live, but I’m not giving up yet 🙂

    My question was : How can I browse the content of a Yaffs2 partition image ? Because I found the firmware of this device, and I wanted to see how they configured it.

    Is there a way to do this without a real NAND Flash device ?

  12. Hello. Maybe you can help me as there is no information on the NSB3AHT except for your site.
    In a foolish attempt to reset the device I’ve turned the device on while pressing the reset button. Now the network connectivity doesn’t work — it turns on for 3-4 seconds after device boot and then off.
    Is there any way to fix the device without connecting to the serial port?

  13. thanks very much for the Bible apps that you did for free!!! i hope you do more Bible apps like dictionary & study books in the near future. pls notify me if you have done already. I use P1i. tyvm! [email protected]

  14. Hello,

    I was wondering if you accept guest post for your blog. If you do, I would like to submit a few. You can see a sample of my work at LaptopComputers.org under the author James Mowery. I’ve also written for several high-profile blogs like Mashable, Perfromancing, and CMSWire. Thank you for your time.

    – James

  15. Dear Yohanes,

    I have one custom application to be make, I was wondering if you can make 1 for us.

    Pls contact as i m not having your contact details.

  16. Hello Yohanes,

    I just got Tiny Meter for my Blackberry 9700. Very nice. One question I have is that when I first started the app, it asked for access to the Phone and won’t run if I don’t let it have access. I don’t understand why it needs Phone access. Can you explain? Thanks!

  17. Hi mate,

    I recently bricked my NAS device with CAVIUM CNS-2183 processor. Is there any way to flash it to his old img file? I cant find datasheet with explanation how to flash it and I see that you do something with it so if you have answer pls contact me with solution 🙂 Tnx

  18. Hi .. i was looking on google , how to root my device Acer betouch e130 and i found ur topic and i couldn’t understand much , right now i only need to ask you …
    if i can root my phone and how cos there is no app can root it
    and how i can the other stuff u tested on the phone 😀
    waiting for your replay .. please add my Email [email protected]
    i really need your help , thanks in advance

  19. hello I’ve enjoyed your emulator on wii. its great.
    recently I’ve tried to load a hard disk image called silverncastle. I can’t not for the life of me figure out how to load the file. I’ve shift f3.
    a fellow said maybe I had to load pro dos.
    please help iam very lost and confused and spent many hours trying to figure out how to load it.

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